It has been so incredibly long since I have written on here after my story about Chaz and NAR. It's so long and so expansive, I could never do it in one blog post. For the sake of my sanity and to keep the joy, for today I just want to update some things on my family.
Oh, how I miss blogging. It was like my own personal journal and it never mattered to me if anyone read it. It was precious. I also learned that putting it down on paper or in a journal, takes the burden off the mind.
My oldest Chaz is in his right mind, loves God, is 21, and I can't even begin to express my thankfulness to God for bringing him back.
Ryan moved out of town and is learning carpentry and handyman skills with a friend we love and trust. Ryan has a HUGE heart and I can't wait till he finds a partner who'll truly appreciate how amazing he is. He is gonna be an awesome father and husband.
Adrianna moved out and is in college. I think she's searching right now for answers and I pray she finds it. (Hint: the answer is in His Word.) I pray that God will clear the confusion from her mind. No man can ever NOT hurt us. Eventually, humans fail. At that point, I pray she looks to her Father in heaven for comfort. :)
Kyle moved out and went to some shady friend's home. A home that does not serve God in any way shape or form. We have been praying He doesn't feel he fits in. He doesn't. He's a gentleman and we raised him to love the Lord. The world gives sooo many promises but in the end, they lead to sooo much destruction. Kyle is an amazing son, he just doesn't fit in there. But you know, the bible doesn't lie. You will become who you hang around.
My daughter Kaylene is such a sweetheart but has chosen a path that is so lost and it leads to death. It's broken my heart but we love her and pray God will convict her heart and bring her back to sanity.
Ivy is doing amazing in her private school. So much so that she flew through two grades in one year. She is also taking college classes at the same time. She is so soft spoken but determined.
Gabriel is working and he couldn't wait to be old enough to work! He counted down the days and never complains about working long hours. I love his worth ethic.
Ashley is hitting those teen years and I thought maybe she would skip those snarling teen years but she's just really begun at 14. Sometimes I miss that sweet girlish laugh and those giggles. :) She's happy but just with a little bit of an eye roll.
Josh all of a sudden sprouted up at almost 13. He used to hold onto his babyness for sooooo long but one year he decided he was a man! Haha. He loves to do projects and carpentry.
Caleb loves carpentry too! His buddy and big brother Ryan came for a whole week and Caleb stayed by his side almost the whole time. He is a total sweetheart and tends to hold things in like his big brother. They make the perfect buddy pair.
Juliet is almost 10 and very shy. She loves gymnastics and is super tiny for her age! She's adorable and soooo sweet to everyone around her.
Jaxon is so much like his buddy and big brother Kyle. Lots of sass in his tiny 6 year old body. If I am careful, I pray that his stubbornness will be used for good.
Shayla is my strawberry blonde fireball who refuses to potty train and grow up. Like Juliet, I have to run around and find her to see what trouble she's getting into.
Serenity is my baby that's almost one. I'm thinking this is my last baby blessing. Her blonde and very straight hair, with her toothy giggles is so much fun.
I'm 42 now and hoping I can one day move into a smaller home and not live in a 7 bedroom forever. Haha. Charles and I desire to downgrade and live a bit simpler once the kids are raised. This home would just remind is of how empty it is. I missed my kids that moved out so much but I know it's a part of life.
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